Bed Bugs are small insects that can inhabit bedrooms and hotel rooms. They feed on blood and their bites can cause a rash. They do not spread disease. They have become increasing common in Onondaga County and throughout the United States in recent years.
Bed Bugs - Information from Cornell University's Insect Diagnostic Laboratory covers identification, life history, and management options for this household pest.
Do-It-Yourself Bedbug Control from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) covers how to develop a plan to get rid of bedbugs on your own.
How to Get Bedbugs Out of Your Belongings. This document from the New York State IPM Program provides non-pesticide treatment recommendations for household items, which are often overlooked or not treated by professional bed bug control services.
Guidelines for Prevention and Management of Bed Bugs in Shelters and Group Living Facilities. This publication from the New York State IPM Program covers bed bug prevention, management and control, education and awareness, and is specifically geared toward public agencies and private or public housing administrators and their facilities management teams.
Bed Bug Management: Tips for Travelers. Using illustrations and few words, this document the New York State IPM Program shows how to manage bed bugs while traveling.
Prevention & Control of Bedbugs in Residences on identification of bed bugs and how to manage an infestation.
Bedbugs. Multiple useful links from the New York City Health Dept.
Last updated January 22, 2025