A soil test will tell you what nutrients are in your soil and what you may need to add (in the form of fertilizer) for successful crop growth. Plants need nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium (macronutrients) as well as micronutrients to grow. Deficiencies or excess of these elements will impact the health and productivity of plants. In addition, the pH (acid/alkaline level) of your soil has an impact upon how much of your soil's nutrients your plants will be able to access and use.
A pH test measures the acid/alkaline level of your soil. In the pH scale, 7.0 is considered neutral; lower numbers indicate acidic soil, while higher numbers indicate that the soil is alkaline. Most plants prefer a pH of 6.8. The pH level influences nutrient availability, with most nutrients being available to plants when the pH is in the range of 6.8-7.0. If a soil is too alkaline or too acid, certain nutrients may be limited. To change soil pH to the desirable range, you will either add lime if the soil is too acid or sulfur if the soil is too alkaline. The CCE-Steuben Horticulture Program can perform a pH test on soil samples that are brought to us at 20 East Morris Street Bath, New York 14810, for a fee of $2/sample. Please see instructions on taking a soil sample for submission.
We no longer sell Cornell pH Test Kits and those kits are no longer in production.
Soil samples for nutrient analysis may be brought to the CCE-Steuben office, along with the appropriate form and fee. Please refer to the proper technique for collecting a soil sample for submission. Samples will be sent directly to the Dairy One Soil Laboratory in Ithaca, NY for testing. Copies of the test results are returned to the individual and to CCE-Steuben about 1-2 weeks later. If you have questions, you can contact CCE Steuben for further assistance or contact the lab using the information provided below.
Dairy One Soil Laboratory
730 Warren Road, Ithaca NY 14850
Standard soil nutrient test
Dairy One can provide recommendations for establishment and maintenance
of home lawns and gardens, commercial turf, commercial vegetables,
commercial fruit, and field crops (pasture, hay, annual crops). The standard soil nutrient test measures
pH (in water), phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium and micronutrients including organic matter. See the submission form for the testing packages available (i.e. Pre-plant, Maintenance, Troubleshooting). Expect 1-2 weeks for test
results to be returned via email.
Download and print the appropriate FORM from the Dairy One website to include with your soil test samples. (NOTE: when you visit the above link, you will see a list of different forms. If you need help figuring out which form you need, please contact smw272@cornell.edu).
Pricing varies depending on the services you require, check each form and/or service to determine the fee. There will be a small shipping fee: $5 for the first sample, and $1 per sample for each additional sample.
Supplemental Services Available:
(860) Solvita CO2 Burst, SLAN, and VAST $34
(862) Solvita CO2 Burst $14.50 (863) SLAN $14.50
(864) Solvita CO2 Burst and SLAN $25.75
(865) VAST $9.25
Please contact Dairy One for details on supplemental services.
Last updated September 12, 2024