Container Garden Kit

Container Gardening

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Steuben County and our regional CCE Extension offices are excited once again to share some gardening skills and nutrition knowledge with our entire community.

With the help of NYS Ag and Markets, we made a do-it-yourself gardening kit, complete with everything needed to grow tasty and healthy lettuce, yellow beans, and herbs indoors. The kits are free - just call your local Cooperative Extension office to pick one up!


Instructions for using the kit, which include good gardening techniques are shown in the video below.

Additional Resources:

Fruition Seeds

Cornell Vegetable Growing Guides

Cornell Food Gardening Website

Other Vegetable Gardening Resources

NY County Extension Gardening Resources

Vegetable and Herb Gardening in Containers

Indoor Vegetable Seed Starting


Susan Walker
Agriculture & Natural Resource Program Leader

Last updated June 26, 2024