meat labels depicting terms used in meat sales,  USDA, Natural, certified, grass fed

Learn here what terms are used to describe Local Foods.

​A Guide to Local Food Terminology

Have you ever heard of a locavore? While it’s not a common term, those below can be found on the "attributes" section of MarketMaker 3.0 at:

Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs): A series of on-farm practices designed to minimize the risk of food contamination, maintain a clear record of how food was produced, handled and stored; and ensure people buying produce that it is coming from a clean, well-managed environment. The application of the practices on a farm may be verified by third party audits, depending on the policies of the customer.

Genetically Modified Organism (GMO): An organism that has had its genetic material altered through genetic engineering – i.e. plants, seeds, and livestock that have been genetically engineered in a lab to increase yields, pest resistance, or to enhance desired traits.

Halal Certified: Food conforming to Islamic (Muslim) dietary laws. (May not include alcohol in the product, even some as strict as to prohibit vanilla extract as it has an alcohol content. M. Ullrich, CCE, Orange Co)

Hydroponic: Cultivation of plants in nutrient solution rather than in soil.

Kosher Certified: Referring to products that meet the dietary requirements of Jewish Law. Whether a food is Kosher or non-Kosher depends on two variables: the source of the ingredients and the status of the production equipment. Non-kosher equipment cannot be used in the production of kosher foods.

Organic: Products certified to be grown or produced without synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, hormones, or antibiotics, and are GMO free.

Sustainable Agriculture: Defined by the USDA, Alternative Farming Center as “an integrated system of plant and animal production practices that will, over the long term: Satisfy human food and fiber needs; make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, natural biological cycles; sustain the economic viability of farm operations; enhance the quality of life for farmers and society.”

Value-Added Product: A raw agricultural product that has been enhanced to be a product with a higher market value and/or a longer shelf life. An example is tomatoes and peppers made into salsa.

Locovore: one who tries to eat only locally grown food. 

(from Muck and Mineral, CCE – Orange Co.)

MarketMaker Newsletter, August 2010

Last updated September 23, 2021